exactly where do i sit after tinder hookup slightly tipsy?

exactly where do i sit after tinder hookup slightly tipsy?

ive been recently actually talking to some guy (19) on tinder for around a he was always very nice and sweet to me but i wasn’t taking it too seriously (im 18f) week. anyway we had been both in divergent locations consuming in which he expected me to stop by or indicated we will hook up the day that is following meal. because i was i have decided to uber to his household. talking had been truly excellent, it is not awkward in any way and neither of us are generally wasted, you become hooking up and i remain the night time that we would drive me home the next day as he had said beforehand. we were both pretty hungover the early morning after plus the convo wasn’t excellent because one of his roommates was annoyed which he hadn’t allow her to understand I found myself arriving over in the exact middle of the night. That he was just being nice to try get laid before we met we were talking all the time on snapchat and he 100% doesn’t seem like a fuckboy or. he then fell me personally house therefore we never remarked about the night before, and getn’t talked online since. hes established delivering me streaks on snapchat again which has got myself perplexed. he’s gotn’t messaged me personally because it happened but desires to come with a snapchat flash? I simply want to find out where i sit because if this was simply one evening sit exactly why would they like to keep in call in this form yet not really communicate with me? im stressed that due to the fact first-time we satisfied we all hooked up, which has eradicated any likelihood that existed ahead of time of people actually observing each some other and that I ought to of simply fulfilled right up with him or her the following day serious.

anyway i’m that he maybe messages me 3. dont reply to his snapchat streaks and assume it was just a weird tinder once off like i have 3 options 1. Continue reading “exactly where do i sit after tinder hookup slightly tipsy?”