How long does Marijuana stay in your system?

how long does it take for weed to leave your system

These programs also come with home testing kits to verify you are clean. Specifically, THC will stay in your saliva for one to two days after your last puff. If you’re worried that you smoke a lot, or if your weed is more potent, traces of THC could linger up to a week, max. Saliva is virtually tied with blood in terms of the time span weed sticks around in it.

how long does it take for weed to leave your system

How long does it take for the effects of cannabis to wear off?

how long does it take for weed to leave your system

Some 77% of heavy users and 39% of light users produced positive tests. No non-users had positive test results, suggesting that false positives in hair tests are relatively rare. Most of the other drugs (even hard drugs) leave our system in 1-3 days after ingestion. Unfortunately, marijuana can accumulate in your body and it takes significantly longer time to leave the system. If you’ve smoked 2 to 4 times recently but didn’t use it since, weed will stay in your urine for 10 to 18 days.

How long does weed stay in your system? When different drug tests can detect cannabis

So how you took your marijuana, your dose, how often you use, and your body fat levels (if you are a frequent user) will all affect how long a drug test will come up positive for marijuana. How marijuana is used can have a significant impact on the amount of time it is detectable. If marijuana is smoked, the THC levels in the body will drop within a few hours or days after use. But if it is ingested, the chemicals are broken down more slowly and may remain detectable longer. When it comes to testing for marijuana use, blood tests are not often used.

Can Secondhand Weed Smoke Cause a Positive Test?

  • These metabolites remain in your system long after weed’s effects have worn off.
  • A workout that mixes cardio and strength would be the best to flush marijuana out, starting a few weeks prior to testing.
  • If you do not consume any cannabinoids, then whatever is left in your system from your last use can naturally flush out.
  • Our state-specific resource guides offer a comprehensive overview of drug and alcohol addiction treatment options available in your area.
  • Not to mention, establishing an exercise routine may have other positive outcomes on your overall health beyond removing cannabinoids from your system.

Like a urine test, testing hair strands can detect traces of THC in the body after they pass from the bloodstream to the hair follicle. But it can also get into the hair from physical contact, meaning that you do not necessarily need to be taking marijuana to have your hair test positive for it. If you have been around secondhand marijuana smoke, have touched marijuana or even if someone who has handled marijuana touches your hair, your hair may test positive. The hair test can be positive for up to 90 days after exposure. First-time users and infrequent users are much less likely to test positive for weed from a hair follicle test.

  • Naturally, this can make it hard to figure out how long cannabis stays in your system.
  • After all, it’s impossible to know exactly how long weed will show up in your system.
  • Knowing these differences helps choose the right test for the situation.

Calculator – How Many Days Does THC Stay In Your System

how long does it take for weed to leave your system

This is why some people might test clean sooner than others, even if they use the same amount. It can make us feel happy, relaxed, and change how we see things. But, how long it shows up in drug tests depends on how our bodies break it down and get rid of it. Depending on the length of the hair it how long does it take for weed to leave your system can range anywhere from one week to one year.

how long does it take for weed to leave your system

Will one hit of weed make you fail a urine test?

how long does it take for weed to leave your system

THC sweat patches are applied to the skin and are usually worn from 7 to 14 days. THC metabolites can be detected in sweat for about one to four weeks. Sweat tests are not that common and they are usually used for monitoring patients during drug rehab treatments and employment programs. If you are an occasional user, weed can stay in your saliva for up to 72 hours.


Medical professionals are available to manage these symptoms, potentially using medications to alleviate some challenges. Most people entering recovery want to know, “How long do weed withdrawal symptoms last? CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis that is not typically tested for in most drug tests. However, some CBD products may contain trace amounts of THC, which could potentially show up on a drug test. Some think that exercise and drinking more water can help get rid of THC faster.

Precise THC detox calculator

Additionally, regular exercise and staying hydrated can help expedite the clearance process. This helps us understand how long cannabis stays in urine and how it affects us after smoking. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main active part Drug rehabilitation of cannabis.